The last stage of emission control involves the sensor relaying back to the ECU the amount of oxygen within the exhaust gasses. These catalysts burn or oxidize the hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide present within the incoming gas to minimize the amonut of smog generated by evaporated, unburnt fuel. Oxidization catalyst – It uses palladium and platinum to execute the task.In turn, this releases cleaner oxygen to move down the exhaust system. The catalyst metals come into contact with nitrogen gasses which rip the harmful gasses out of the molecules. Reduction catalyst – It uses rhodium and platinum to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions within the honeycomb.A catalyst is a substance that speeds up chemical reactions and within a cat, there are two types of catalysts: Nowadays, most cats are known as three-way catalytic converters because of the three types of emissions they tackle. However, the catalytic converter tackles the smaller, more harmful emissions (nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and monoxide) that are produced because of the natural imperfect IC engine combustion process. Note that car engines produce three main emissions water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen gas. Each metal has a specific task in emission reduction.

Within the cat housing, there’s a ceramic-based honeycomb structure lined with precious metals. The cat changes the chemical nature of exhaust gases to minimize the volume of harmful emissions from the exhaust manifold. Truck owners checked the fuel mix through hands-on mechanical observation or by examining the spark plugs. New computerized fuel systems have replaced older traditional fuel systems where a carburetor provided an air and fuel mix. The cat is tied into a computerized engine system with oxygen sensors that monitor the fuel mix of your car to protect the air you breathe.

Helps you understand better your exhaust and fuel systems Benefits of high flow catalytic converters.